Together, We CAN #ConquerCocci

We need your help!  Please DONATE today.  (Tax deductible 501c3 organization)

There is a potential Valley Fever cure being developed in Arizona .  It is called NikkomycinZ and has been shown as able to eradicated the Cocci spores from mice.

Only money is standing in the way of getting NikZ to the point where it can be tested in humans. 

All funds raised go for research and development.  Any amount will be helpful.  $10 for test tubes as a starter!  $50 towards minutes of high level clerical support.

To donate, click on the “Donate” button below and follow the instructions.

Those currently suffering from VF,  those who may be infected with a severe case during the current epidemic, and all of the volunteers working very hard to get this job done,  will bless you for helping.

Keep those lab lights burning!  Donate now. 

Tax ID number for Valley Fever Americas Foundation: 77-0424552